CSM Meeting – January 24th, 2020
As always, there’s not any specific information to share due to the confidentiality of the discussions.
Coordination around the Spring CSM Summit.
– Travel Planning
– CCP wants to hear more from the CSM and requested to think about potential topics for presentations
Brief review of current game issues
CSM Meeting – January 10th, 2020
As always, there’s not any specific information to share due to the confidentiality of the discussions.
Brief coordination around the Spring CSM Summit.
Brief discussion of game system performance questions.
Extended discussion about possible changes to the economy and specific types of PvP combat.
Dunk’s Corner
We are basically halfway through CSM 14 at this point.
So far, the word to describe the first half is ‘tumultuous’.
The CSM and I have tried to bring a small amount of order to the chaos underway when we started this term.
Seems like we have some positive momentum and the community growing again.
As a CSM member, one privileged is having more knowledge about CCP’s direction than EVE players & pundits do.
Personally, I try to listen to as many points of view as I can on shows, podcasts, articles, forums, and Reddit.
My only comment is that sometimes I hear concerns about ‘the meta’ and how things are ‘broken’.
Valid concerns, but I think people should remember that CCP is going for a much more regular cycle of releases, both big and small, during the year. There are many, many more releases to go this year and CCP is focused on trying to adapt more quickly to imbalance.
That’s no guarantee, but it should be kept in mind that CCP has stated repeatedly that they want surprises and they want to keep the meta shifting. You may not like surprises, but that’s not going to stop CCP.
Lastly, EVE Fanfest is coming up and and it’s a wonderful event to attend. If you have the means, I strongly suggest you try and come. Meeting people in real life is fantastic, even for you introverts, and opens up many doors in game that you never knew existed.