The CSM Summit occurred several weeks ago, but due to getting thrown into the deep end of planning part of my company’s work from home effort, I haven’t had the time or energy to get this written up. A few of the other CSM members have been on shows/podcasts or posted a few comments. Here’s my take on things.
First, much of what I wrote about what does and doesn’t happen at the Summit still holds.
No, we didn’t get into your very specific and nuanced concern about that thing you do/hate/like. The CSM Summit is a much higher level discussion for the most part.
Hopefully the meeting minutes will be released soon and you can read at your leisure what we discussed over 4 days of meetings and nightly mixology lessons.
Here are the big takeaways:
CCP learned a lot from the Summer of Chaos and has made several major changes
There has been a significant reorganization of how CCP does game design and how teams work together. Without going into the confidential zone, CCP took a hard look at how they were making EVE and made a lot of changes to refocus their energies to find a better balance of improving gameplay, making money, and continuing to recruit new players.
These changes are tough on any organization. CCP bit the bullet and reoriented their processes in a way that allows for better communication with the players while remaining flexible in the actual deployment of features. It’s a fine line they are hoping to walk.
We are seeing more regular deployment of new features and better discussion of the future than we have in a few years.
The focus on new player engagement is working
CCP is seeing strong, measurable progress in acquiring and maintaining new players to EVE. Many older players look at the subtle changes and scoff at them as useless, when they are creating new cohorts of players that look to become the core players of the future.
The phase that Hilmar used the most during the summit, “survivor bias”, is most apt here. All of you reading this are survivors of a much more arduous path into New Eden, and it’s hard for you to see the roadblocks that many others ran into and simply quit the game. You are the people that walked over the roadblocks and barely noticed them.
There are a lot of new things and changes coming
After seeing the roadmap of the year, it’s going to be interesting to watch player’s reactions as the news drops when plans are announced. There were several “OMG, that’s freaking cool” moments.
There are things coming that some players will love. There are things coming that some players will hate. My advice is to keep doing what you like to do and don’t get stressed about the other changes around you.
The changes are all over them map from cool events to interesting new ‘things’ to changes to basic mechanisms in the game. I’m being vague here, as I can’t really give any detail.
CCP is listening
Overall, the mood of the meetings was open and positive. Very little acrimony.
The CSM members got to present several sessions to the Dev Team to give them insight into how the players play the game and how the players think. CCP has data, but data alone is not enough. Understanding the factors that create the data is essential to making a good analysis.
The tone of discussion was much more interactive and convivial that the Summer Summit, which was adversarial at times.

Dunk’s Corner
So what do I think will happen?
The biggest topic on the plate and part of almost every session was the ecosystem work. The Ecosystem Team has been publicly announced and they have made few rounds of the show & podcast circuit to get their ideas out there.
What they are trying to do is ambitious. Mind bogglingly ambitious when you start to dive into the details and fractal effects of tugging on one part of New Eden’s ecosystem.
Not to overstate the plan, but it is a fundamental rework of how ISK and material enters the economy and how time and effort is valued in the game.
I stressed how the Dev Team was up against thousands of the most hardened min/maxxers in video gaming and that it only took one of them to find a tiny loophole or trick and within 24 hours thousands would be flying freighters through it.
It will take a long time to execute what is planned and players need to be prepared for a long ride.
There aren’t always going to be good answers. There are going to be angry threadnaughts. There are going to be optimistic white knights with overenthusiastic imagination about what is happening behind the scenes. There are going to be players whose ‘playstyle’ disappears or is fundamentally changed and quit. Some groups will shatter from the changes while other appear and grow to fill the cracks left by the earthquakes of change.
I have no idea how it’s going to end up, but I’ll be along for the ups and downs of this rollercoaster year.